Sunday, March 29, 2009


Dear friends, we are all here to WIN and it is our birth right. How many of us are clear in what we want. I had heared people saying well,

He is lucky enough or she is the luckiest
I am not confident enough
I don't know what went wrong
I can't do that Because...
It always happens to me

These are some in many that people say. Winning is an attitude and this attitude never succeeds with having a WIN - LOOSE or LOOSE -WIN or LOOSE - LOOSE mind set. Just take a moment and check out for yourself by asking this question.

Why I want to WIN
Why I don't want to LOOSE

Well, some of you may give,

I want to show to_________________(my people, my friends, my father, my mother, others) that I am a winner,

In the same way your answer for the second question may be

I don't want to put my face down in front of others (or)
I don't want to be a looser once again (or)
I don't want to be left here all alone etc..

Hmmm, I know at some level the list is endless and you will be astonished to infer the following as this post is towards this.

1) One has to do some thing for SELF and not for OTHERS satisfaction, then the person spend all his or her energy, knowledge, skills, capabilities towards it. Here I am not saying not do help, or guide others I mean that what ever you do do it for yourself.

2) Create a WIN - WIN situation and this will make you a leader, as people around allways want to WIN and you have to make this winning contagious. Just think for a moment in a interaction between you and anyother person which I call it as IR - Individual Realtion, how many times you had given the oppurtunity for others to WIN.

Human are bit fearfull to help other person WIN, They assume that they may loose their power, or others may take advantage of them etc. Truth is you will become a LEADER if you help others to win.

so we are BORN TO WIN and winning is our birth right and you will make it your own the moment you help others in all ways to WIN.

Shihan C.J.Jeyachander

Monday, March 23, 2009


C.J.Jeyachander, from my days of so young was I am then, fascinated with mind, my deep interest in exploring mind to understand relationships of various kind with others and mine, with self and other material things, between others, between objects, between objects and others, between mind and self, between universe and self, between body and mind, between mind and soul had made me to become a explorer.

My Expedition started when I did made a choice to explore and had explored many territories and still carrying on further. In every break that I take when Iam in a territory, I stop to first with complete awareness to explore carefully, subtly and understand the new knowledge and experience the raw nature of overt and covert information without making my own preconcieved knowledge cover my exploration. Then as it always move on as I am ready to understand it to finally integrate for my self. Practical application is what I am interested to test any thing that I had integrated to check out allmost in all the levels and keeping on doing it as I and others come across the experience to experience the same of its pros and cons.

Now, after quite some time, I am sharing my knowledge to my fellow travellers in thies life time as many keep on thinking by giving reasons the day is faraway for them to share but it is now here if you choose to do, I better say do it now.

Born to Win, every one of us here are here this moment to WIN, but only thing is that we are not aware of HOW TO?. Doubts, dellimas, problems, challenges, circumsatances are always there which we dont understand whether they are here helping us or working against us. Rest assured to excell one self to WIN then oppurtunities are created for us to show our expertise and win.

Here I am to share my self with every one of how to make winning a model of sharing with others rather than making it as a competitive approach.

Relationship, Sharing is what the mantra is for anyone to WIN.

Winners help and guide others to win - Shihan C.J.Jeyachander, 23-03-09, Bangalore, India.